Iberian Adventure - Part 13

 The journey up to Bordeaux was, to be honest, boring - flat and featureless. However, the site we chose is pleasant, being close to some lakes and a huge exhibition centre (fortunately closed at the moment)

Being a Sunday there was no public transport into Bordeaux, so Wallace and I went off for a walk to see if there was anything interesting about - there wasn't, apart from finding a large  traveller/gypsy camp. Something was about to happen, but we still don't know what it was.

Along the road a large bunch of swarthy men was starting to accumulate at the end, and a few young boys were wagging their fingers at us saying, basically, don't go up the road.  We did, but with some trepidation - however all the men were quite pleasant and gave us no problem. We were happy to get out though!

The proximity to the Exhibition Halls also meant excellent transport links. We bought a day pass from the campsite reception that let us go anywhere on the bus and tram services - for E5. Excellent value.

Bordeaux itself is very picturesque, and borders the massive Garonne river - big enough for cruise ships to get to it. It's a big city, but quite tidy and interesting - well worth a visit.

We took the tram to the imposing WW2 U-boat pens, but unfortunately they are no open to the public, so we made do with a visit into Molly Malone's Irish pub for some Kilkenny Red Ale, and the biggest burger we have eaten! Not cheap mind, but France is now horrendously expensive anyway.

Did I mention it was hot? Over 30C.

Mileage so far about 3.5K

Tomorrow we head up to Ile de Re, an island off the coast of La Rochelle.


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