Iberian Adventure - part 10

 Ronda is a beautiful town, with great views from both outside in and inside out. The excellent campsite was on the top of a hill overlooking Ronda, and just a half hour walk into the old town.

Apart from the views it is famous for two things - a bridge across a gorge in the middle of the town, and its bullring. I think they still hold a few fights there, but the ring is now mostly used for horse dressage. There is also an excellent museum under the arena.

The whole town is spotlessly clean and tiny, and for those who wish to shop there is a long avenue under shading canopies.

The next move was to Granada, through some simply stunning mountain scenery, lush valleys and fields upon fields of sunflowers. Unfortunately, whilst the roads were excellent, the Spanish don't deem it necessary to provide pulling over places.

We picked another excellent campsite in a town called La Zubia just outside Granada. In the background is the mighty Sierra Nevada, with snow still on the highest peaks.

Yesterday, Thursday, we just explored La Zubia, which really is nothing to write home about, like many suburban towns I suppose. It was really hot, so the afternoon was spent in the refreshingly cool campsite pool.

Today was our Granada day, so an early start for a taxi ride to the Alhambra. This is a huge walled fort with two Moorish palaces in it, and a defensive plain walled castle. Instead of the ostentatious show of wealth that a European palace might show, these exuded a simple relaxing charm, designed to be as restful and cool as possible. Gardens and water fountains were everywhere.

The whole setup is run with military precision to handle the hoards of visitors. Even though we arrived at 9 am it was filling up very quickly with selfie taking Japanese.

A bus then drove us into the centre of Granada, which was pretty much as you would expect an old big city to be. Impressive, yes, but no more than any of the other cities we have visited. Perhaps my apparent indifference was due to a street temperature of 35C!!

So, after an excellent tapas lunch it was back to the pool....

Tomorrow we start heading north, to Cordoba, which I believe is even hotter!!


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