Days 48 to 51 - Lindau, Emmendingen and Gengenbach

 It had to happen sometime, but the weather caught up with us in Lindau. 

Lindau is on (Lake) Bodensee, and is supposed to be very pretty. However a thick wet mist had descended, and the forecast was the same for the next few days. We were on a rather expensive campsite (more to do with fleecing visitors than the facilities provided), so we cut our losses and headed northwards towards the Black Forest region. 

The first stop was at a Stellplatz in Emmendingen, just north of the university city of Freiburg. However, whilst the town was inoffensive, there was nothing there to keep us more than one night and on Wednesday moved further north to Gengenbach.

Gengenbach is certainly worth visiting, and has a quite charming town centre complete with an immaculate Benedictine Monastery. The Stellplatz is only a few minutes walk away, and an excellent example of how to accommodate motorhomes.

Today, Thursday, is the last day of the official tour, and tomorrow I head off northwards solo. I'll take a few days to get to Calais, but the first stop will be a couple of nights in Strasbourg. I have to arrange for a Covid test pack to be sent to my home, and must use it on day two of my arrival in the UK. This unfortunately means that there will be no time to stop in Telford or Shrewsbury, but I'll arrange a visit as soon as I can.

The tour itself has been fantastic, and the hosts, Linda and Giles, have become good friends. We have survived two months without rancour or argument, always found something to talk or laugh about, and seen some magnificent sights. The memories will live long.


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