Tour - The Journey Home

On Wednesday morning the tour ended, with much hugging and promises to meet again. Three of us, Barbara Stormont, Dave Campin and myself drove off northwards to catch a Ferry on Sunday. First stop was in a very old town called Caceres, and it was here that the heavens opened in apocalyptic fashion, and the daytime temperature dropped overnight from 30C to 7C! The journey to Salamanca on Thursday was done in dreadful conditions, and at times we were down to 30mph on the motorway, battling high winds and intense rain. But we made it to Salamanca. The weather lifted a bit on Friday, so we went sightseeing. Salamanca is also very old, and full of palaces, Convents, Monasteries etc. Most enjoyable Today, Saturday, we drove an hour north to the small town of Tordesillas. It is famous, apparently, as the place in the 1400s where Spain and Portugal drew up a treaty to exclusively share the newly discovered Americas and African territories. A line was drawn from pole to pole down the Atlan...