Garlieston, oh Garlieston
Two nights at Garlieston Camp Site is an excellent way to finish off our holiday. The site is quiet and welcoming, and apparently very popular. It is situated in Garlieston Bay, on the north shore of the Solway Firth. Garlieston itself is a small and tidy fishing village, now with only one (good) pub and a garage/shop. Like in most of small British harbours the fishing activity is now very low, and a lot of the old cottages have been turned into holiday lets. In this case it has at least saved the village from decay. The main claim to fame for Garlieston is the part it played in the Normany Landings seventy five years ago. The beach and harbour here were apparently very similar to the Normandy beaches, so it was here that Operation Mulberry was launched. This was to devise and test methods of getting tanks and equipment off the ships onto land. They developed three methods, but only one was worthy and became known as Mulberry Harbours. Needless...